Nigerian Government Commits $10million to Safe Schools Initiative

Today, President Goodluck Jonathan announced his support for the Safe Schools Initiative in Nigeria, launched by Nigerian business leaders through the Global Business Coalition for Education, A World At School and the UN Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown. The Initiative will ensure that schools are protected and safe spaces for children and youth to learn.
As a first priority, the Nigerian government will work in partnership with the international community to bring back the kidnapped girls.
The President will also commit $10 million in government funds to match the initial $10 million provided by Nigerian business leaders, bringing a total of $20 million for Safe Schools. The funds will be used to set up 500 pilot schools in northern Nigeria, and will help expand the Safe Schools Initiative to a national program so that every boy and girl can go to school in safety.
GBC-Education has started a Safe Schools Fund so the general public can be part of the solution. Read more about the Safe Schools Fund and how you can get involved.
To learn more about the Safe Schools Initiative and its recommendations, read the report.