GBC-Education Welcomes Newest Member, AsiaInspection!

Photo by AsiaInspection.
GBC-Education is pleased to announce the addition of AsiaInspection to our Coalition! With a focus on product quality and safety, supplier management, and compliance, AsiaInspection (AI) is greatly concerned about child labor and works to eliminate it completely from the supply chain. Founded in Hong Kong, AI has expanded its auditing and quality control services to global brand across more than 77 countries.
Child labor remains a grave problem in modern-day supply chains. There are 168 million child laborers worldwide, more than 85 million of whom are engaged in hazardous work. The good news is, many global brands understand the importance of eliminating child labor from their supply chains. The bad news is, modern supply chains are vast, and receiving an accurate picture of them is a daunting task.
This is where AI helps brands make a real impact. AI’s ethical audits aim to uncover the true state of social compliance at each audited site, paying particular attention to child labor which tops the list of critical violations to look out for. In 2015, 8.5 percent of audited factories were given a failing grade in the “Child Labor” section.
“The scale of this problem is truly alarming. By joining GBC-Education, we hope to go a step beyond in helping eradicating child labor. Ultimately, everyone must realize that the right place for a child is a school, not a factory floor,” says Sebastien Breteau, the CEO of AI. “We look forward to aligning our work on child labor with GBC-Education, and give as many children as possible a chance at a better future.”
Currently, AI is looking for ways to integrate education into their existing work. They are keen to explore the intersections between child labor and education and how to eradicate forced labor.