From London to Istanbul: Updates on Private Sector Commitments for Syrian Refugee Crisis

Photo Courtesy of DFID.
At the Supporting Syria and the Region conference hosted by the governments of the UK, Germany, Kuwait, Norway, and the United Nations in February, the international community convened to raise the money required to address the needs of the world’s 4.5 million Syrian refugees. The show of support was impressive, with world leaders pledging $11 billion to #SupportSyrians. Alongside the conference, GBC-Education mobilized the private sector and partners to do their part, focusing on delivering innovative education solutions. GBC-Education members and partners announced collective contributions equivalent to $75 million in financing and solutions, and a commitment to assist one million Syrian refugee children resume learning in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan. And now as Tom Fletcher states, “The private sector is stepping up to the plate.”
Just three months after this announcement, GBC-Education Director of Global Strategy Tom Fletcher addressed a letter to the hosts of the Supporting Syria and the Region conference in advance of the greatly anticipated World Humanitarian Summit on May 23-24. He shared an update on commitments made by the private sector, including how companies are working to identify strategic partnerships for greater impact, and further commitments from the private sector since the conference in February—adding over $90 million of value to the collective effort to get 1 million Syrian children into school.
In the letter, Tom Fletcher also outlines how GBC-Education, and our partners, commit:
- To continue to expand this effort, with a strong focus on delivery of pledges;
- To coordinate and align our plans with the innovative and vital approach of the new Education Cannot Wait – a Fund for Education in Emergencies;
- To produce new research in the coming weeks that highlights best practice of business engagement on education for Syrians; identify the gaps in the education plans where business support could be a game-changer; and provide targeted advice for new business players ready to help;
- To explore innovative solutions to bring together businesses that want to help, and provide donors with the information they need to work quickly and effectively with the private sector to provide education in future emergencies.