Evidence to action

Social impact or business impact is a shared responsibility. It’s about understanding what is at stake and why it is as important to businesses as it is to governments to embrace the concept and do something about it.
Cathy Smith, Managing Director SAP Africa
As a world leader in software solutions, SAP understood the value of supporting education long before they joined GBC-Education. And yet, SAP knew that they could do more. So, SAP turned to GBC-Education to transform their approach and harness all of their corporate assets to have a greater impact on global education. Through our cutting-edge analysis and innovative tools, SAP has been able to advance their support for education across the length and breadth of their organization and stakeholders.
For example, by utilizing the GBC-Education resource The Key, SAP was able to effectively make the case to all its stakeholders that investing in education unlocks all of the social pillars that they stand for as a community. Working with SAP’s executive team, we also helped them communicate this message to all levels of their company by holding corporate-wide employee sessions, resulting in education becoming a theme of their employee volunteer program. Through the tools provided by GBC-Education, SAP encouraged buy-in from every level of their business and united their community around a common goal.
SAP continues to make technology available for education that is contributing to inclusive and equitable economic growth and driving individuals and nations forward. They are also a valued member of the collective, participating in task forces, speaking at events, and contributing to other initiatives to upgrade impact for the business community. And SAP is just one of many examples of a company taking advantage of GBC-Education’s resources and building out strategies for greater social impact.
Delivering impact
In order to have the greatest impact in education, businesses need to make an evidence-based case — internally and externally — to align stakeholders and achieve results. GBC-Education works with our coalition members to develop and deploy evidence in support of action and engagement in education. GBC-Education collective members receive access to the entire suite of our innovative resources as well as bespoke briefings for their corporate staff. SAP effectively used these sessions to make the case for increased educational impact throughout their entire community.

Get involved
To fully close the education gap, we need all companies to step up in the way that SAP has. GBC-Education’s collective is open to companies across industries, sectors, and geographies to deliver quality education at scale.
Our cutting-edge tools and resources help achieve these goals and develop engagement throughout your businesses from upper level management, to the communities you live and work in.
Learn more on how to join the coalition.