2018 in Review: Important Moments for Business and Education

This year the business community made significant strides towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 of inclusive and equitable quality education for every child and young person. Take a look at the stories that our companies took to expand education opportunity.
Youth Skills Took Center Stage
The conversation around the future of work was at the heart of our efforts this year, culminating in the release of the youth skills report from Deloitte and GBC-Education and a high-profile Commission co-convened with Intel.
Business Mobilized To Support Education in Emergencies
GBC-Education’s Rapid Education Action (REACT) Initiative has been connecting business with on-the-ground partners to deliver quality education to children in emergencies. The new platform, powered by RELX and LexisNexis has inspired 70 companies to make pledges to work with people on the ground to solve the challenges they face in providing education in crisis zones.
Innovative Financing Continued to Gain Momentum
The business community showed its support for new and innovative ways of financing education, including the launch of the International Finance Facility for Education (IFFEd) in May of this year. Business is providing insights and support to finalize the new Facility and helping support other major global funds, including the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait.
Business Shaped the Dialogue and Debates on SDG4
Through its work with business, civil society, national governments, and international institutions, GBC-Education has shaped the conversation around educational development and opportunity, keeping its core focus on the provision of free, quality, and inclusive education for every child. In 2018, our partners were recognized for their contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 4.